Potter Puppet Pals Lost Episode

I fucken love Potter Puppet Pals. It's way better than any of the books or the movies combined. I even have all of the puppets and props and I've even drew fucken porn of it.
That was before I saw this episode.
One day I was browsing Youtube for some PPP episodes when I came upon a weird episode I've never seen before called "Ron Molests Harry." I knew that the show had SOME NSFW moments, but not something like this! I played it anyway because I'm a horny bastard and fuck you. It started off with the backdrop of Harry's nightmare with Snape and the hammers and the only puppets in the shot were Harry and Ron. Harry had a perverted smile on his face and Ron looked EXTREMELY pissed. After waiting for 60 minutes, Harry quietly said "Wanna stalk Percy in the shower?" and then Ron shouted "FUCK NO FUCKING MUDBLOOD GO ROT IN AZKABAN GET FUCKIN BOILED IN FROG SEMEN YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER AND YOU SHOULD BE FUCKIN PUT DOWN GODDAMN ASSHOLE GO MOTHERFUCKING DROWN IN A FUCKIN LAKE LITTLE PUSSY BITCH" and started smacking Harry with a hammer. Harry squealed like a girl and grabbed his wand but Ron already had his out. Ron stuck his wand in Harry's anal cavity and cast a vibration charm on the wand to create a makeshift vibrator. Harry let out a loud orgasm and came all over Ron. Ron was so turned on that he cast an Impoorius Curse on Harry's colon and made him shit all over. Then Snape walked in on them, took over 9,000 points from Petergriffendurr, and cast Aderpra Kedoobra on both of them and they died.